Joda toddler makes it to India Book of Records

Joda: Armed with amazing memorising skills, Akshit, a toddler from this town, has made a rare feat by entering into India Book of Records. Akshit, the one-and-half-year-old son of Bishwajit Beuria, living in the Contractor Colony here in Keonjhar district, can recognise all 26 English alphabets and mimic sounds of animals without any training or prompting. His strong memory and amazing mimicry have brought glory to the family and the region as his name is now etched in the India Book of Records.

According to sources, Akshit was born November 5, 2022. He has developed a habit of imitating animals’ sounds and uttering alphabets. The boy used to perform feats many times on camera. Keeping the interest of the minor boy in mind, the family sent the video recordings of his performances to the annual India Book of Records competition. After some days, the India Book of Records named Akshit as an ‘IBR Achiever’ and issued a certificate. Apart from memorising the English alphabet, Akshit can identify 20 body parts, 12 colours, 12 pictures, 10 types of shapes and seven types of fruits. The certificate issued by the India Book of Records states that ‘Akshit was selected for being able to mimic the sounds of nine different animals’.

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