Mumbai: Actor-producer John Abraham has roped in Harshvardhan Rane and Angira Dhar for his next home production film. The John Abraham film has been titled as Tara vs Bilal. The 48-year-old Abraham was recently seen in Sanjay Gupta-directed Mumbai Saga. He has produced films like Vicky Donor, Madras Cafe, Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran and Batla House, among others under his banner ‘JA Entertainment’.
“We are starting a film called Tara vs Bilal, we are producing it. It is a beautiful slice-of-life relevant film. It stars Harshvardhan Rane and Angira Dhar. Shooting starts either this month or in May. It is being directed by Samar Shaikh,” Abraham said.
Rane is best known for films like Sanam Teri Kasam and Taish. Dhar has featured in web series Bang Baaja Baaraat. She has also acted in Vidyut Jamwal-starrer Commando 3. She will also be seen in Ajay Devgn’s upcoming directorial venture Mayday.
On the acting front, Abraham has ‘Yash Raj Films’ next project Pathan and Mohit Suri-directed Ek Villain Returns. Abraham did not divulge any details about superstar Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Pathan. However, he said he is having a great time working with Suri on Ek Villain Returns.
“‘Working with Mohit Suri has been a dream. I have just come from the shoot. Every moment has been fantastic,” the actor said.