Justice about to catch up with Nirbhaya convicts; hangman reaches Tihar Jail 3 days before execution

New Delhi: Hangman Pawan Jallad reported Tuesday to Tihar Jail administration, three days ahead of the scheduled date of execution of Nirbhaya rape and murder case convicts, officials said.

According to a senior prison official, Pawan has been asked to reach the jail to oversee preparations. A dummy execution will take place a day prior to the execution.

A trial court here issued March 5 fresh warrants for execution of the four convicts Mukesh Singh (32), Pawan Gupta (25), Vinay Sharma (26) and Akshay Kumar Singh (31). The date of execution has been fixed for March 20 at 5.30am.

The jail authorities had written to the families after issuance of the fresh death warrants. The death sentences were deferred thrice. Mukesh, Pawan and Vinay have had their last face-to-face meetings with their respective families.

However, Akshay’s family has not met him so far. A face-to-face meeting is facilitated so that convicts can not only interact with their families members but they can also have physical contact like hugging.

According to Tihar Prison manual, “It would be mandatory for prison authorities to facilitate and allow a final meeting between the prisoner and his family and friends prior to the execution.”

Officials said the authorities have written to the family of Akshay about the date for a final meeting before the scheduled date of execution.  Akshay’s wife had last met him in February. He, however, talks to his wife over the phone and said his family is likely to visit him in a day or two.

Health checks-up of the convicts is being done once in a day. They are also being counselled on regular basis.



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