Mumbai: The MS Dhoni actor Sushant Singh Rajput donated a whopping Rs 1 crore to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund for flood-hit Kerala. As per reports, Sushant has donated the money on behalf of a fan.
The fan had tagged the actor in a comment and wrote, “Sushant Singh Rajput, I don’t have money but I want to donate for the flood. How can I donate? Please tell me.”
Sushant soon responded in kind and wrote that he’ll donate in his name and make sure that it reaches to the people in need. Later, Sushant posted a screenshot of his contribution, along with the Instagram conversation he had with the fan.
“As promised, my friend, @subhamranjan66, what you wanted to do, has been done. You made me do this, so be extremely proud of yourself. You delivered exactly when it was needed. Lots and lots of love. Fly. Cheers,” Sushant captioned his post, adding the hashtag, ‘My Kerala.’
On social media, several prominent celebrities have urged their fans and followers to help people in Kerala.