Kesinga set for 3-cornered fight

Kesinga: Zilla parishad (ZP) zone-3 under Kesinga block of Kalahandi district is expected to see a three-cornered fight in the rural polls scheduled to be held in the fifth phase, Thursday.

Although there are four candidates in the fray, the contest will be among the BJD, BJP and Congress, according to political circles.

This ZP zone consists of 110 wards spread over nine panchayats including Adhamunda, Fatakamal, Nasinga, Gaiga, Utakela, Gokuleswar, Deogaon and Plastigudi. A total of 30, 679 voters will exercise their franchise in this zone Wednesday.

However, there are several issues on the basis of which voters will cast their votes. The issues are non-execution of a mega irrigation project, connectivity problems, drinking water and eligible people being deprived of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, ration and pension.


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