Everyone of has seen ‘Ram Naam Satya Hai.. Hari Naam Satya Hai’ i.e. ‘The name of Ram’ is often sung or chanted while carrying the dead.
However, not many of us know the reason behind the chants.
As per Hindu tradition, in Mahabharata it is stated by Lord Shiva that when Ram’s name is uttered 3 times, it is as good as pronouncing other names of God 1000 times.
Let’s take a look into the reason
- As per Hindu rituals, when Lord Rama’s name is recited, the soul gets ‘Mukti’ (salvation). On reciting this during last rituals, the ‘Atman’ or the ‘Jeeva’ gets free from the Sansaar chakra.
- Similarly, the meaning of ‘Ram Naam Satya Hai’ means ‘Truth is the name of Lord Rama’. Here Ram implies to ‘Brihmatman’, i.e. manifestation of supreme power. Usually, the dead body which is devoid or breath has no existence or meaning. However, it gets meaning only when the soul is connected to Brihmatman. By chanting this, we are leaving everything to God because that is the ultimate truth.
- This chant makes us realise that everything that comes to the world departs. Everything except the Lord is an illusion.
- As per Hindu Shastra, RA and MA are Beeja Aksharas that help in driving away bad or ominous thoughts that pile up. Uttering RA MA keeps one away from such kinds of attachments. Utterance of this word would not only drive away bad tendencies but also redeem the dead from his bad deeds.
- Some believe that this chant helps the relatives of the dead. Generally, after the death of a dear one, people be quite depressed. Utterance of this chant helps people to come out of depressing state since they can develop faith in divine and correlate to transient world.