Lakhamandal Shiv Temple in Uttrakhand: A temple where the dead spring back to life

Located at a distance of 125km from Dehradun, this Temple is not just an ordinary one. There are many legendary stories attached to this miraculous abode of Lord Shiva.

The name itself Lakha Mandal means a lakh  of Shivlings.

Once upon a time, there was a fight between Brahma and Vishnu to establish their superiority over each other. When this argument turned into a hot raging debate, a burning flame pillar appeared between them. Both Brahma and Vishnu were left astonished.

They attempted to find the origin and end of this shining flame. However, they could not find its source of origin or end portion of the flame. Both accepted defeat. This is when Lord Shiva blessed them to be humble in life. After which Lord Shiva disappeared. The first Shivlinga was established here then.

It is believed that Vishnu and Brahma were the first to worship the Shivlinga.

There is yet another legendary story surrounding the existence of this temple. It is said, that this temple and the Shivlingas were established by Yudhistir (elder brother of Pandavas) during their Agyatvaas.

When Kaurvas found out about their presence here, they together hatched a plan to burn them alive. It was Maa Shakti who saved the noble souls of Pandavas. This is why Shiva and Maa Shakti are worshipped in Lakha Mandal.


Significance of Lakha Mandal

There are two edifices (Dwarpals) facing west which guard the main entrance to the temple. It is believed by many holy saints and the principal followers that if you place a dead boy in front of these two edifices and the temple priests sprinkle holy water on the body, then the person springs back to life for few minutes.

The dead person, on being brought back to life, will take Lord Shiva’s name and will be served with Gangajal. After consuming Gangajal, the soul will again leave the body. This way the dead person attains eternity.

Another fact is that if you seek blessings to bear a child on Mahashivratri, by staying all night at the temple and gazing at the Shivlinga chanting Lord’s name, that women will indeed be blessed with a child.

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