Leopard Barsa dies in Nandankanan

Bhubaneswar: A 14-year-old leopard, Barsa, rescued from Chandaka at the age of 3 months, died at Nandankanan Zoological Park here Monday.

Nandankanan deputy director Jayant Das said the leopard was under treatment by the zoo doctors.

The leopard was suffering from recurrent rectal prolapse since August 2019.

It was treated for prolapsed, December 21 last. Monday morning it was found dull and was shifted to zoo hospital for treatment.

The leopard started showing signs of nervousness and respiratory distress terminally and died at 5pm.

Das said the average life span of a leopard is 12 to 17 years.

A lion, suffering from old age, died at Nandankanan zoo, December 28. The 21-year-old lion called ‘Pichhan’ was received from Sukkerbug zoo, March 23, 2013. It was suffering from various old age complications.

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