Deogarh: The carcass of a male leopard was seized Thursday from the Rengali reservoir near Kanthimala under the Nuadihi forest section of Riamal forest range in Deogarh Forest Division. Forest officials confirmed that the animal was approximately 2 years old. The carcass was recovered around 5pm from the reservoir.
On being informed, Divisional Forest Officer (DFO), Deogarh, Magar Dhanaji Raoso, along with senior officials of the Forest department, reached the site and launched an investigation. While the exact cause of the death remains unclear, locals suspect that the animal may have accidentally gotten caught in fishing nets set up in the area. The deputy director of the Deogarh veterinary department also arrived at the scene to oversee the process of post-mortem examination. Preliminary observations suggest that the animal had been dead for nearly a day as the carcass was bloated, emitting foul odour.