Let’s know why postmortem is not done at night

Let’s know why postmortem is not done at night

There are several questions that cross our minds most often and which are a little difficult to answer, but not impossible. One such question is why postmortem of bodies is done during day and not at night? So let us tell you, there are many scientific reasons behind it, which we will tell you through this article.

First of all, one should know why postmortem is done. Actually, postmortem is a type of operation which is performed to know the exact cause of death.

Post-mortem is mandatory though it requires relatives’ consent if it is not a suspected murder. However, in some cases of unnatural deaths, police officers recommend for postmortem or autopsy.

According to media reports, a postmortem is carried out within six to 10 hours after person’s death, because natural changes start taking place beyond that period of time.

Postmortem is done within the presence of sunlight because the colour of the injury in tube light, CFL, LED’s and other artificial illumination appears to be purple rather than red. And as per forensic science, there is no mention of purple injury and wound.

Another reason is no cremation is performed at night in many religions, so kin of the deceased may not allow postmortem at night.

However, in some emergencies and special conditions (occasions) such as terrorism or urgent events like disasters, forensic doctors probably perform post mortem during the night and evening time.



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