Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik Monday hosted breakfast for the industry captains assembled at the MIO Conclave. Ambassador of Japan to India Kenji Hiramatsu was the special guest at the breakfast which was attended by Vedanta Resources Chairman Anil Agarwal, Tata Sons chairman N Chandrasekaran, JSPL chairman Naveen Jindal, JSW Group chairman Sajjan Jindal, ITC Ltd MD Sanjiv Puri, SAIL chairman Anil Kumar Chaudhary among others. Special curated Odia menu was served to the delegates. The dishes included chakuli pitha, bara ghuguni, poda pitha, enduri pitha, chhennapoda and the assortment of dishes was relished by all the delegates. The breakfast hall was uniquely designed depicting the tribal heritage of the state.
Strategic Snub
Chandigarh, the city that wears two hats as the shared capital of Punjab and Haryana, is back in the spotlight...
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