Lumpy virus outbreak triggers panic in Chandbali

shigella bacteria.

(photo: IANS

Aradi: Lumpy skin disease (LSD) has broken out in several panchayats under Chandbali block of Bhadrak district. The LSD is spreading fast among livestock in a number of villages under the coastal block, triggering panic among locals.

Reports said, scores of cattle have been affected by the LSD in Sundarpur, Olaga, Aradi and Nandapur panchayats. As the infection is spreading, locals demanded immediate step for preventive treatment of the disease.

Unofficial sources claimed that over 50 cattle are now infected by the lumpy virus in the four panchayats. Both cows and calves are getting infected. Though there is no cure, the disease has preventive vaccines.

Livestock farmers lamented that Sundarpur LI centre has no facility of preventive vaccination. The animal husbandry department is doing little for prevention of the disease, locals alleged.

In such situation, farmers have to spend a lot while seeking service of private veterinary doctors for preventive vaccination.

On the other hand, the LSD is making harsh economic implications on the farming community in the coastal pocket. It is going to pose a major threat to human health too, locals feared.

The disease is characterised by 2-5 cm-wide nodules that appear all over the body, particularly around the head, neck, udders and genitals. The lumps open up into large, deep wounds. The virus also causes prolonged morbidity among the affected cattle.

Then the affected cattle may die if they go untreated. Lumpy skin disease is a viral infection that afflicts cattle and water buffaloes. There is no treatment for this disease, although the symptoms can be managed and healthy animals recover, said a livestock inspector.

He added that the LSD virus is a poxvirus that belongs to the same genus as sheep pox and goat pox viruses. It spreads through blood-sucking insects like mosquitoes, flies and ticks as well as through saliva and contaminated water and food.

On the other hand, pregnant cows may die if they are not provided treatment. Whatever treatment is available now is expensive. Livestock farmers have demanded free vaccination of their livestock, farmers said.

Chief district veterinary officer Subhendu Mishra said that the LSD is spreading in Aradi area. He assured that quick steps will be taken to address the disease through preventive vaccination.


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