Sundargarh: In an outrageous incident, a sexagenarian man, a resident of Kulaba village under Kinjirikela police limits here, was bludgeoned to death with a wooden plank for resisting a rape bid on his wife by a distant relative Monday.
The deceased has been identified as Sahadev Mahanandia (60), while the accused is Tribasi Mahanandia (45).
According to sources, Tribasi harboured evil intentions towards Sahadev’s wife, as he often made obscene gestures at her. Early Monday morning, he happened to cross by Sahadev’s house and spotted the victim alone.
Soon, he surreptitiously strayed into her house and allegedly attempted to rape her. However, the victim managed to escape and informed her husband about the incident.
After learning about the incident, Sahadev confronted Tribasi and sought an explanation for his heinous activity. This led to an altercation between the two, following which Tribasi picked up a wooden plank and attacked the couple.
He hit Sahadev on his head and fled the area leaving the former in a pool of blood. Hearing his wife’s cry for help, locals rushed to the spot and took critically injured Sahadev to Sundargarh district headquarters hospital (DHH). Doctors at the DHH declared him ‘brought dead’.
On being informed, police reached the village, but the accused Tribasi is said to be absconding after the incident.
Acting on the complaint of Sahadev’s wife, police registered a case and launched a manhunt to nab Tribasi. Meanwhile, Tribasi’s family members refuted the allegations of rape bid and said that the murder was fallout over a previous enmity.
“A case has been registered and investigation into the incident is on. We will arrest the accused soon,” said a police official.
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