Man kills wife, hides body at home for 3 days

Man kills wife

Bhubaneswar: The Maitri Vihar Police Thursday arrested a man who allegedly killed his wife with a wooden plank and hid the corpse for three days at his residence to evade police action. The accused was identified as Gourab Jena, a native of Ganjam district. He lived with his wife and three children – two sons (aged 22 years old and 6 years old) and a 4-year-old daughter in a hutment at Tarini slums, here. He has been booked under IPC Section 302.

The crime was discovered when neighbours complained of foul smell emanating from the hutment and informed the police who recovered the body. IIC Maitri Vihar Police Station Mrutyunjay Swain said Gourab had shifted both of his minor children to his neighbour’s house to hide the crime, while the eldest son was away in their native village. Swain said Gourab and his wife worked as construction labours and were addicted to alcohol. Three days back, Gourab returned home in a drunken state for which his wife picked up a fight with him. Later, in a fit of rage, Gourab took a wooden plank and hit her on the head, causing death on the spot. Gourab was produced before a court for remand.


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