Mangrove Patha Utsav: ‘Collaborative efforts key to save coastal ecosystems’

Mangrove Patha Utsav

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Bhubaneswar: Collaborative efforts and innovation are keys to save the coastal ecosystems, claimed the stakeholders who participated on the concluding day of the Mangrove Patha Utsav organised by Socratus Foundation and Nature’s Club here, Tuesday.

The three-day event, held at Odisha State Museum, was organised with support from Rainmatter Foundation, State Museum and Bakul Foundation.

During the event, stakeholders from various sectors discussed integrated pathways for sustainable mangrove conservation and economic development.

The event was graced by Orissa Post and Dharitri Editor Tathagata Satpathy and CEO Adyasha Satpathy, Bhawani Tripathy from Sambad and Sandeep Sahu, BBC and Outlook along with CSO leader and NITI Aayog advisor Jagadananda from CYSD, and Divisional Forest Officer of Mangrove Forest Division Rajnagar, Kendrapara.

Adyasha Satpathy stressed on the importance of village-level institutions in conservation, planning and implementation of climate policies in the state. She also underlined the importance of community-based participatory research and development.

Earlier, the day began with a collaborative session which focused on creating integrated pathways that would strengthen mangrove conservation efforts while also providing economic opportunities for local communities.

The participants shared their views on innovative approaches to mangrove restoration and conservation, financial mechanisms to support sustainable practices, technological advancements aiding ecological preservation and community-driven initiatives for economic development.

The following session facilitated an exchange of feedback and inputs from other groups, fostering a collaborative environment to refine the proposed strategies. Discussions also focused on potential opportunities for collaboration to advance the pathways identified. Climate Champions, who have been instrumental in implementation of ECRICC’s project objectives, were recognised during the event for their relentless efforts.

Their dedication to conserve Bhitarkanika landscape, promote sustainable livelihood activities in their areas was highly appreciated.

Madhusmit Pati, Secretary of Nature’s Club, and organiser said, “The final day of Mangrove Patho Utsav has been incredibly productive, with diverse stakeholders coming together to chart a sustainable future for Odisha’s coastal ecosystems.”

Participants in the event were from organisations like CEEW, FES, MSSRF, SELCO Foundation, Goonj, XIMU, KIIT TBI, Unicef, Accion, Reliance Foundation, UNDP, DEFT, Dasra, Dakshin Foundation, and Mangrove Foundation of India.


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