Mumbai: Nand Ghar, which aims to transform 14 lakh anganwadis across India, unveiled a national movement – Agar Bachpan Se Poocha Khaana Khaaya, Toh Desh Ka Kal Banaya- with actor Manoj Bajpayee here Thursday. The movement is aimed at nourishing India’s future generation by ensuring holistic healthcare, quality nutrition and ensuring best-in-class preschool education for children. Welcoming Bajpayee, Vedanta chairman Anil Agarwal said, “Project Nand Ghar is a national movement that supports the overall well-being of children and women with a focus on health and nutrition. We are delighted that Manoj Bajpayee ji has extended his support to this growing movement. His personal life story deeply resonates with Nand Ghar’s cause to nourish and transform the lives of our future generations.” Bajpayee said, “As someone who has lived with hunger pangs, I understand the deep impact it can have on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. That’s why initiatives like Project Nand Ghar are so crucial.” “It not only ensures that children receive proper nutrition but also brings hope, opportunity, and a chance for a brighter future. Let’s all join hands with the Nand Ghar movement to ensure that we nourish the potential of children, and together, prepare for a brighter India,” he added.
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