Means to have fair and glowing skin

Old is gold, especially when beauty secrets are passed down from one generation to the other. Have you ever found yourself wondering just how queens in past possessed soft, silky and absolutely fair skins.

They had some home remedies and natural beauty secrets for the skin. They maybe ancient, but they are still effective. Ancient Indian beauty secrets are chemical-free, skin and hair friendly, organic, inexpensive, and convenient.

Some beauty secrets of royals which gave them glowing skin include:

Oil bath: Bathing regularly in Rose oil was one of the main reasons why Mughal queens had glowing and fair skin. Even today a simple traditional oil bath can revive your skin. The Mughal queens also took body massages with warm sesame or coconut oil.

Use of copper vessels: Water kept in copper vessels and then drunk is a great method to have a proper digestive system in place. Ancient queens adopted this procedure because a clean stomach is one of the primary reasons to have glowing skin. The water from copper vessels also delayed the ageing process.

Honey: Queens and princesses used raw honey as face packs and also for hair. The ladies made a deep mask by mixing raw honey with coconut oil and applying it to their hair. It gave the face and hair a spotless look.





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