Mumbai: Actor Akshay Kumar’s latest film Sky Force was released January 24, and its premiere in Mumbai saw the presence of several big names from the film industry. Among the attendees was Dimple Kapadia, who was accompanied by her granddaughter, Naomika Saran. Naomika quickly became the center of attention, with a video of her going viral on social media.
For the event, Naomika wore a black sleeveless peplum top paired with denim jeans, and her appearance sparked widespread discussion online. Photos and videos of her from the premiere quickly gained traction, with fans showering her with compliments for her stylish look.
Who is Naomika Saran?
Naomika Saran is the granddaughter of legendary Hindi film star Rajesh Khanna and actress Dimple Kapadia. She is the daughter of Rinke Khanna, Rajesh and Dimple’s younger daughter, and her husband Samir Saran. Like her mother, Rinke also ventured into the film industry, though she later stepped away from it after marriage. Naomika is currently pursuing her studies in London.
Sky Force is an action-packed drama that portrays the untold story of India’s first and deadliest airstrike. Directed by Abhishek Anil Kapur and Sandeep Kewlani, the film stars Akshay Kumar, newcomer Veer Pahariya, Sara Ali Khan, and Nimrat Kaur in pivotal roles.