Viksit Odisha @2036

More Indians aim to upskill in 2023 versus global counterparts: Report

Indian professionals

New Delhi: More Indians consider upskilling key to future-proofing careers as compared to their global counterparts, said a report by edtech platform Great Learning, which also found 71 per cent Indian professionals surveyed confident of retaining their jobs versus 59 per cent, globally.

The report throws light on the latest trends around the intent to upskill, motivation factors driving people to upskill, hurdles preventing others from upskilling, impact of offices opening up on upskilling, according to a release.

The trends are derived from a combination of Great Learning’s own learner behaviour as well as a dipstick among a sample of 3,000 working professionals across the globe.

The report found that more professionals polled in India considered upskilling important to future-proof careers than their global counterparts.

In India, 85 per cent professionals consider upskilling important to future-proof their careers, whereas the globally average is pegged at only 76 per cent.

Nearly 84 per cent South-East Asian professionals and 76 per cent professionals from Latin America give importance to upskilling when it comes to future-proofing their careers.

In contrast, only 64 per cent and 66 per cent professionals from more developed regions like the US and the Middle East, respectively, consider upskilling important for future-proofing their careers.

The report revealed that 83 per cent Indian professionals plan to upskill in 2023 as against 74 per cent professionals globally.

It found 71 per cent Indian professionals confident of retaining their jobs versus 59 per cent professionals globally.

In stark contrast to the optimism shared by India’s workforce, professionals in the considered international markets were less confident about their job security through 2023 given the uncertain macroeconomic conditions.

“While 71 per cent professionals in India are confident about keeping their jobs in 2023, the global average is 59 per cent. Latin America has the lowest proportion of professionals globally (44 per cent) confident of retaining their jobs this year,” it said.

Nearly 59 per cent of professionals in the US are confident about holding on to their jobs while this figure is 60 per cent in South-East Asia and 50 per cent in the Middle East, said the ‘Upskilling Trends Report 2023’.


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