Do you know there are some foods which if not made the right way can make you fall sick or may even kill you just with one single serving! Have a look…
Wild mushrooms: Many of you must have a great liking of mushrooms, and it may form a part of your regular diet. If you have a habit of picking mushrooms yourself and cooking them, you need to be very careful. They can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, or even heart, liver, and kidney damage. Before picking anything from Nature and eating them you must be sure of what you are doing.
Bitter almonds: Almonds that are actually not nuts but seeds are full of health benefits and this is something all of us know. However, there are some people who instead of opting for sweet almonds prefer bitter almonds because of them being richer in flavor. But do you know these bitter almonds contain cyanide? It is very important for them to be processed so as to remove the poison, or else they can prove to be fatal.
Cassava: Cassava is known for its root called tapioca, which is popularly used to make tapioca pudding. You need to peel cassava and boil them properly before consuming. Raw cassava has a toxin that your body can convert into hydrogen peroxide. If you do not prepare cassava properly, it can prove to be fatal.
Elderberry: Elderberry is considered to be of great medicinal value and can treat flu and cold symptoms and also if placed on skin wounds it can help in healing it. The fruit of elderberry trees are used to make alcohol, and it provides flavor to foods like syrup, pies, and jam. Yet, you have to be very careful. The USDA suggests that though the purple and blueberries can be eaten, some of the red berries species are toxic. Botanical and medical experts say that the stems, leaves, and uncooked or unripe berries may result in nausea, vomiting, and also diarrhea.