‘Multi-pronged strategy to combat malnutrition’

Koraput/Bhubaneswar: In order to address Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in Koraput, Unicef in collaboration with the National Health Mission (NHM) and state government organised a high-impact roundtable here, Friday. The discussion emphasised the role of multi-sectoral collaboration and media involvement in raising awareness. District project manager (DPM) Mamata Mohanty delivered the welcome address and emphasised the critical need to address malnutrition in Koraput, one of the most affected districts in the state.

In her address, the DPM presented the broad strokes of activities for SAM management in the district, highlighting the ongoing efforts and plans. “The grassroots involvement of Anganwadi centres and local organisations is crucial to delivering effective nutrition solutions in Koraput. Our goal is to strengthen these networks and ensure that nutrition interventions reach every corner of the district,” Pradhan said.

Unicef ’s nutrition specialist Sourav Bhattacharjee led a session on the overview of malnutrition and the importance of SAM management. “Over 43 per cent of children in Koraput are stunted, while 16 per cent suffer from wasting. We must prioritise SAM management to save lives and promote healthier futures for our children. SAM management is not just about food, it is about integrated approaches including health, sanitation, and education.” “Effective SAM management saves lives and contributes to children’s overall well-being and cognitive development,” said Bhattacharjee.

The event also featured an open discussion and Q&A session, where participants shared insights and raised questions about the region’s challenges and solutions to malnutrition. The session provided a platform for interactive engagement between policymakers, health experts, and media representatives.

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