Pattamundai: The mutilated body of a woman who was dragged away by a crocodile in the Brahmani river Monday afternoon was recovered Tuesday morning. The body was found approximately six kilometres away from where she was attacked by the crocodile. The deceased has been identified as Manjulata Bhanja from Alapuadia village under this tehsil in Kendrapara district. According to reports, Manjulata had gone to the Brahmani river to wash utensils after lunch Monday afternoon. While she was washing the utensils by the riverbank, a crocodile suddenly attacked her and dragged her into the river. When she did not return home for a long time, her family members became worried and started searching for her along the riverbank. They found her utensils and slippers lying near the riverbank, which led them to suspect that she might have been attacked by a crocodile.
Despite extensive searches using a boat, Manjulata’s family members were unable to find her and informed the local administration and police. The local administration, police, and fire brigade personnel launched a search operation in the river, but due to the darkness, they couldn’t locate Manjulata. Tuesday morning, Manjulata’s mutilated body was found caught in a fishing net in the river near Kulhasahi Ashram School in Penthapala. Her family was immediately informed. Upon receiving the news, her family members, along with police and fire brigade personnel reached the spot and recovered her body