Mystery surrounds death of senior citizen at Bhadrak quarantine centre

Mystery surrounds death of senior citizen at Bhadrak quarantine centre

Bhandaripokhari: A Kolkata returnee senior citizen who was put in quarantine at the Bainan Banapur facility under Bhandaripokhari block in Bhadrak district died Monday afternoon.

The deceased has been indentified to be Debendra Rout of Sarapada village. He had returned Sunday night from Kolkata and registered at the COVID-19 counter of Bhandaripokhari industrial training centre after which he was put in quarantine.

Debendra went for a nap after finishing his lunch Monday. However, when he failed to wake up late into the evening a doctor was summoned. The doctor declared Debendra dead after examining him.

Police have filed a case in this regard after Debendra’s brother Gyanendra alleged foul play. Police have sent the body for post-mortem and are awaiting the report. They said that only after the report comes, they will be able to ascertain the exact cause of Debendra’s death.


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