‘Nandini Satpathy, an icon who we should celebrate’

Walking Bookfairs, Nandini Satpathy, Pallavi Rebbapragada,

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Bhubaneswar: Walking Bookfairs played host to the unveiling of the newly released book, ‘Nandini Satpathy: The Iron Lady of Orissa’ by eminent writer Pallavi Rebbapragada on the bookstore premises here, Sunday. The author signed copies of the book and interacted with the audience during the event.

The bookstore founders Akshaya Bahibala and Satabdi Mishra were present on the occasion.

A discussion was organised at the event wherein the author spoke about her journey while writing the book, and about the things that impressed her about Nandini Satpathy.

The book tells the riveting journey of Nandini Satpathy, the only woman chief minister of the state, who had earlier joined the Indira Gandhi Cabinet as I&B Minister. Moreover, in Delhi circles, she is best remembered as ‘Indira Gandhi’s friend’.

Nandini’s political career was as tumultuous as her friendship with Indira. They were a close-knit duo, brought together by circumstances and kept together by a strong sense of affection and loyalty, according to some excerpts from the book.

About writing the book on Nandini, Pallavi said, “I stumbled upon this subject during a story on women reservation issue and during that time I learnt about her and realised we still know very less about her life work.” About the research, she said, “It was very difficult as there was very little about her as we don’t maintain archive which is sad.”

She said that due to the patriarchal network there is little information about women leaders of the country than men which is sad and unfortunate. During her research, she said, she found many things about her in international media where there are lot of stories on her, rather than Odisha and India.

“She was ahead of her time. She was not only a minister, but also an able administrator, a literature, writer, mother, wife and a good human being,” she said.

She said, “Nandini Satpathy is an icon who we should celebrate. This is a woman who has done so much for the state and people, so we owe this much to remember her. This book is a celebration of her life.”

Arindam Ganguly, OP  

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