New Delhi: BJD leader and Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik Tuesday said he wanted more time to decide on joining ‘Mahagathbandhan’, the grand alliance of opposition parties, ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. “As far as Mahagathbandhan is concerned, we will take some time and think it over,” he told reporters here. Patnaik was in the national capital to participate in a farmers’ protest held by the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) for its demand to fix Minimum Support Price (MSP) for paddy at `2,930 per quintal from the current `1,750. Later, a 12-member delegation led by Patnaik met President Ram Nath Kovind in this regard.
Argentinean Lessons
Argentina stands out as a glaring example of how the common man is affected when a political outsider subscribing to...
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