Non-resident Odia expectant mothers can opt to stay in ‘home quarantine’

Chhatrapur: Non-resident Odia returnees from Surat and Kerala have caused great concern for Ganjam district administration, as people have returned to this district in large numbers over past few days and among them a few women are expectant mothers, a report said.

According to sources, taking a step further Ganjam Collector Vijay Amruta Kulange has ordered 22 block development officers (BDOs) of the district to allow expectant mothers to stay in home quarantine. If at all necessary, they may opt to stay at the quarantine centres.

Health workers will keep a vigil on all returnees including expectant mothers and inform the auxiliary nurse midwives (ANMs) and medical team as and when required. The district unit of health department has issued directives to all concerned, in this regard.

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