Not young men, girls get attracted towards married men: Study

A matter has come to fore that girls like married men more than youths belonging to their age group because the married men possess the sense of understanding.

As mental stability of married men is higher than that of young men, the girls usually fall in love with them, says a study conducted by the Social Science Department of New Jersey University.

Married men have the ability to take right decisions at the right time and they take care of their partners as well. They are good in accomplishing household and other tasks for which many problems are sorted out.

On the other hand, without any hesitation they share and discuss a lot of things with their partners but in case of young men it is very rare.

Married men normally don’t give attention to other women due to there are less chances of a love triangle creation.

However, youths get easily attracted towards other charming women, the study revealed.


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