Odisha: Man sentenced to 20 years RI for raping a minor girl

Kendrapara: Kendrapara Ad-hoc Additional Session Judge(Fast Track Special Court) Tribikram Keshari Chinhara, has sentenced a rape convict to 20 years of Rigorous Imprisonment(RI) and a fine of Rs 52,000 for raping a minor girl.

According to the prosecution, one Chandan Mallik forcibly took the minor girl to his house under Aul police limit September 15, 2020 and raped her.

Special Public Prosecutor of Special Judge (POCSO) court of Kendrapara Manoj Kumar Sahoo said the minor girl had gone near the tubewell, located near their house, to draw water with her mother when Chandan took the minor girl forcibly to his house and raped her.

The victim minor girl managed to flee from the spot and narrated the ordeal before her grandmother and mother who lodged an FIR at Aul police station September 16, 2020 against Chandan and seven others.

Aul police registered a case under Sections 376 AB, 341,323,294,506,34 IPC Section 4 of the POCSO Act and later arrested the accused.

While adjudicating the case the judge on June 27, convicted Chandan and sentenced him to 20 years of RI along with a fine of Rs.52,000.

The judge further ordered that the convict would undergo one more year jail term if he failed to provide the fine amount.

Seven others who were arrested along with Chandan in the case were acquitted by the court due to lack of evidence, the Special Public Prosecutor said.

The judge directed that the fine amount when realized shall be paid in full to the victim as compensation.
The court also recommended that the government provide a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to the victim for her proper rehabilitation.

The Secretary of DLSA, Kendrapara was directed to take steps for sanctioning the compensation amount to the victim, the Public Prosecutor said.


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