Bhubaneswar: In view of the pending examinations of students across the state amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the State Mass Education Department (SME) has decided to conduct the examinations of students pursuing Diploma in Elementary Education (DELED) in their native districts.
Sources said, the candidates can apply through their District Institute for Education and Training (DIET) to appear for the examination.
Due to the huge delay in conduction of examination, the students had been demanding for an online examination. However, the department has decided to conduct the examination at the native districts of the students due to lack of proper infrastructure facilities for online examination at the homes of every student.
However, at all the examination centers strict COVID-19 guidelines will be followed by the controller of the examination.
School and Mass Education Minister Samir Ranjan Dash said, “The students had some issues with the examination as their main problem was to get rented houses during this pandemic period. We have allowed them to appear for the examination from their own districts and they have gladly agreed”.
“Online examination was not feasible and there was also a question mark about the sanctity of the examination. So we have taken a decision suitable for the students,” he added.
On the other hand the department will conduct the examination across the state at 80 examination centres. Students could also appear for the examination in their own schools and they will be allowed to reside in the hostel or campus.
The department will release the official notification of the examination details soon on the website.