Odisha STF rescued Pangolin, two arrested in Bolangir district


Bhubaneswar: The Special Task Force of Odisha Police rescued a pangolin from Bolangir district, an official said.

On the basis of reliable information, a team of STF conducted a raid with the help of Bolangir Forest Officials Thursday night at Ainlapalli village under Tusura Police Station area in Bolangir district and rescued the pangolin.

Two persons were found in possession of the pangolin, the official said.

While the accused persons were handed over to Bolangir Forest Officials for necessary legal action at their end, the pangolin was given to the Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) for safe custody.

The Indian Pangolin (Bajrakapata in Odia) is a solitary, shy, slow-moving, nocturnal mammal. It is a Schedule-I protected animal under Wild Life Protection Act, 1972.

On Wednesday the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau had seized a leopard skin from the Similipal National Park area in Mayurbhanj district.

Since 2020, the STF has seized 26 leopard skin, 15 elephant tusks, 7 deer skins, 12 live pangolin, 23.5 kg of pangolin scales, 2 leopard teeth, 29 leopard claws, 46 wild parrots and arrested 63 wildlife criminals, the official said.

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