Pattangi: At least 200 people of Ralegada panchayat under Pattangi block in Koraput district and of eight bordering villages abutting Andhra Pradesh Thursday met Salupur legislator Rajan Dora and urged him to take steps to merge their villages in Andhra Pradesh.
Dora has promised the villagers to raise the issue in Andhra Assembly in the coming session and get their villages merged in Andhra Pradesh.
At least 200 residents of villages such as Karedi, Bitra, Bilakabitra, Jangalbalasa, Adubadabalasa, Baranaudi, Kairubadu under Ralegada panchayat Thursday met the Andhra MLA at Pachipentapi Kanabalasa panchayat under Salur block.
The villages said, even though their revenue villages are officially in Odisha, they do not have so much as a road to their village. They have no access to drinking water, education, and healthcare benefits.
They are attracted by the benefits being offered by the neighbouring government. Not only that, their ancestors also had land pattas offered by the Andhra government, they said.
They pleaded before the MLA that he may take steps get their villages under Andhra government. Dora assured the villagers that he would raise the matter in Andhra Assembly in the next session and try to get this proposal passed.
Among others, Parvatipuram PITDA Koramnath was present during the meeting with the MLA.