OES to honour green warriors on World Environment Day

Bhubaneswar: On the occasion of World Environment Day June 5, the Orissa Environmental Society has decided to honour some of the distinguished persons who have made significant contributions towards environmental conservation in the state.

Former engineer-in-chief of state water resources department Ramesh Chandra Tripathy will be conferred with the ‘Water Man of Odisha Award’. ‘Lifetime Contribution to Health Services Award’ will be bestowed on the eminent cardiologist and director of the cardiology centre in PGIMER Capital Hospital Pravat Kumar Dash. Former professor of Botany Baman Chandra Acharya will be honoured with the ‘Environmentalist of the Year Award – 2024’ for his contribution to plant sciences. Similarly, Sukant Patnaik will be felicitated with the ‘Green Crusader Award’ for implementing CSR activities through tree plantation.

A special discussion by experts will be held on the World Environment Day theme, “Land degradation, desertification and drought resilience,” president of OES Sundara Narayana Patro and secretary Jayakrushna Panigrahi informed.

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