Official-mafia nexus spurs illegal mining in Jajpur stone quarries

Jajpur: After a brief lull, illegal mining of black stones has allegedly resumed at quarries under Dharmasala tehsil in Jajpur district. According to information, the illegality was exposed by local residents who recently brought to light the large-scale extraction of black stones from a big quarry at Malagoda under Barada mouza under the tehsil. Afterwards, similar illegal mining was also witnessed in Bajabati quarry where extraction of black stones is being carried out not only during day time but also at night. Following extraction, the black stones are sent to crusher units in the vicinity before being transported (smuggled) to various destinations for sale. Minor Minerals department officials frequently patrol the area.

However, the rampant loot and smuggling of black stones is going on right under their nose since they have failed to curb the phenomenon at hills under the tehsil. Locals alleged that the black stone mafias are making a killing by conniving with officials of Minor Minerals department while the state government continues to lose precious revenue worth crores of rupees. Sources said that the rampant loot has resulted in the shrinking of black stone, or granite deposits, under the tehsil. There are around 200 small and big quarries out of which 85 quarries are on government rolls. Among those, the district administration has leased out around 37 quarries, while illegal mining is being carried out at the remaining quarries. Side by side, allegations of illegal mining and irregularities have also been reported at the quarries leased out by the district administration. It is alleged that miners, fearing penalties, are illegally extracting black stone from quarries beyond their lease areas, and also in areas adjoining their quarries, and trafficking stones outside. Significantly, the use of explosives for extracting black stones in a short time from the quarries is often results in the death of labourers.

On May 16, 2024, three labourers were crushed to death after they came under huge stones which rolled down from the hill at BSQ-5/10 quarry on Dankari hill following an explosion. According to the statistics, as many as 50 labourers have so far lost their lives in accidents at the quarries, and also due to lack of safety protocols, since 2017. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) has, on many occasions, issued directions to curb the rampant loot of black stone and the environmental pollution arising out of it. However, the problems still persist. It is alleged that absence of action has emboldened the illegal miners so much so that they brazenly violate the norms of the Director General of Mines Safety (DGMS) in looting and trafficking black stones. The corruption has helped influential politicians and their henchmen make hay from the mining at the cost of the lives of scores of poor labourers working at the quarries.

According to reports, a leaseholder, Prakash Nayak, had been granted transit permit for three months to extract black stones from two quarries at Malagoda in Barada mouza. Though the lease term has expired, and the Minor Minerals department has not renewed it, black stones worth crores of rupees are being extracted daily from these two quarries in complete violation of norms. Meanwhile, locals have questioned the silence of the Minor Minerals department over the issue as the illegalities have not only resulted in revenue losses, but the regular use of explosives at the Bajabati quarry has resulted in air and groundwater pollution. The contaminated water is causing the spread of kidney-related ailments in 10 villages in the locality. When contacted, Prakash Nayak, Deputy Director of Minor Minerals department said he has no information about black stone smuggling from Barada and Bajabati quarries. When told about the findings made by this reporter, he promised to launch a probe and take necessary steps in this regard.

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