Bhubaneswar: A city-based activist Friday lodged a complaint with Odisha Human Rights Commission (OHRC) seeking a probe into disappearance of two children in Chirgalatla slum under Infocity police station June 16.
The missing children have been identified as Raja Soren,10, son of Muna Soren, and Devjani Hembrum,6, daughter of Budhia Hembrum.
The boy and the girl were playing with other children in the slum at around 9am June 16. A few minutes later, the children playing there did not find the duo. They called out for them but received no response from anyone.
The panicked children informed their parents who searched every house in the slum and the nearby area. However, after failing to find the duo, they lodged a ‘missing’ complaint with Infocity police.
Police have started investigation after registering a case (Cs No.76/18). According to sources, a police team went to Mayurbhanj searching for the children but returned empty handed.
Police still could not trace the whereabouts of the missing children even six days after the incident. The petitioner has urged the OHRC to take cognizance of the case and direct the Deputy Commissioner, Bhubaneswar UPD and the Commissioner to expedite the investigations.
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