Bhubaneswar: In a letter to Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik Opposition party leader Pradipta Naik has urged the CM to distribute free rice and pulses among the families, who are not covered under National Food Security Act (NFSA) and State Food Security Scheme (SFSS).
In his letter Nayak mentioned that there are many residents in the district who are not included in the NFSA and SFSS schemes due to some unknown reason. But they are also facing the food shortage problem during this pandemic.
For this he urged the CM to provide free rice and pulses to the non-NFSA and SFSS beneficiaries.
“The Centre has made certain relaxation in rules for use of State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF) and District Mineral Foundation (DMF) Fund to fight COVID-19 in the country. I request you to make arrangement by using these funds to provide free rice and pulses to those poor families, who are yet to avail ration cards,” Naik mentioned.
He also requested to keep the list of non-NFSA and SFSS beneficiaries at panchayat offices for necessary use.