OSAM Board wins Skoch award 2023 for e -NAM in silver category

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha State Agricultural Marketing (OSAM) Board has emerged as the winner of Skoch Award 2023 for e NAM silver category, an official source said Monday.

Functioning under the Odisha Cooperative department it has achieved this in the cooperative sector with successful onboarding of all 66 Regulated Marking Committees (RMCs) of the state in e-NAM portal.

The source claimed that Odisha has left many agriculturally advanced states in the country far behind and has achieved the unique feat of 100 per cent on-boarding of its agricultural markets under all RMCs.

All the 66 Regulated Market Committees of the state have been successfully onboarded to the e-NAM platform.

The e-NAM is a pan India online platform developed by Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, Government of India with the aim to link all the buyers and sellers of agricultural produce, virtually, through the APMCs (Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees)/ Regulated Market Committees (RMCs).

The State Cooperative Department has also boarded 401 Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) to the agri-marketing platform.

About 400 Women Self Help Groups (WSHGs) as members of these FPOs, can now reap the benefits of this online platform in marketing of their produce, the source said.

The Cooperation Department has also initiated a project on Agri Marketing Network linking all 66 RMCs, 43 Krushak Bazars, 76 Municipal Markets including 800 FPOs and WSHGs to boost agricultural marketing.

It can be mentioned here that OSAM Board has entered into an agreement with the Agri-Business Incubator wing of International Crop Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), an international organisation notified by the United Nations and Government of India.


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