Bhubaneswar: Odisha Abibhabaka Mahasangha has brought allegations against the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) for irregularities in the Class X question-papers in Hindi, Math and Science in the final examnination. Odisha Abhibabka Mahasangha Chairman Basudev Bhatt told the media that the Class X question-paper for three subjects were either out of syllabus or not clear which led to loss of precious marks for the students.
In the Hindi exam paper the instructions were not clear which lead to a lot of confusion among the students appearing for the exam.
Similarly in Science exam paper the questions were out of syllabus. Some of the questions are not part of the NCERT book for Class X. Surprisingly, the Science questions are from Class XII books and the topic about parallel conductors is not a part of class X syllabus.
In the Mathematics paper, questions from the first set were really difficult in comparison to the other two sets.
Manoj Jena, advisor of OAM, said that the set system of the class 10 examination is not standard process and some sets are tougher than the other sets. All the 3 sets of question paper should be the same for students to assess the students better.
In other states such as Delhi and UP the sets are easier while in our states it is tougher. This is unfair for the students who are were given difficult set.
Bhumophan Patnaik, member of Mahasangha, said as per Madras High Court order in 2018 the CBSE was directed to use NCERT as only book for Class X students from the next academic session. The CBSE had also sent notice to all the regional office and schools for following the order, but unfortunately many private schools pressurise students to buy other heavily-priced books. This is in violation of the High Court order.
Basudev said that they had met the chairman and secretary of CBSE in New Delhi and asked them to deal with the issue seriously. “The authority must take appropriate action and declare grace marks questions that were out of syllabus,” he added. The CBSE Class X examination will end March 29.