Balasore: Divisional railway manager (DRM) of South Eastern Railways (Kharagpur Division) Manoranjan Pradhan Tuesday took stock of the ongoing work for passenger train services to Nilagiri area of Balasore. He held talks with top officials about the construction of the model building for Nilagiri railway station. The DRM directed the officials to expedite the construction work. He stated that a new platform will be constructed at Gopinathpur. The DRM, a senior divisional engineer, a divisional engineer, a senior divisional security commissioner and a senior divisional commercial manager held a meeting with Collector K Sudarshan Chakraborty about the makeover of the Balasore railway station. The DRM laid stress on removal of encroachments alongside the Balasore railway station.
Oligarchy In Making
The conspicuous presence of the three American tycoons – Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos – in the forefront...
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