Having made her debut in the Hindi film industry with ‘Vicky Donor’ in 2012, Yami Gautam has managed to carve a niche for herself. In addition to acting in Telugu, Kannada, Punjabi, Malayalam and Tamil films, she is a prominent celebrity endorser for brands and products. She was in the city for an initiative launched by Skechers India to help Fani victims. Interacting with Chaitali Shome of Orissa Post, she talks about her charity work, forte and future plans.
What drove you towards helping Fani victims?
It’s the pain of the people of Odisha that drove me to collaborate with Skechers for this novel initiative. This is my third collaboration with them. The cyclone shook me immensely. I am here to do my bit. The challenge is titled ‘Go Run As One’ where people will participate in a marathon of sorts. For every one kilometer traversed, three pairs of shoes will be donated to an NGO that will help out Fani victims in Odisha. While we can’t stop natural calamities, we can definitely help people in need.
Describe your journey in the Hindi film industry.
From ‘Vicky Donor’ to ‘Uri’, the journey has been exceptional. I am blessed to work with wonderful production houses, scripts and co-stars. Over the years, I have evolved as an artist. If my performances made people laugh and enjoy, my responsibility as an actor is fulfilled. Overall, it’s the rousing love and warmth of the people of Bhubaneswar and everywhere across the world that has boosted my confidence.
What is your opinion on trending Airport look?
Well, choice of looks varies from person to person. I feel it’s a bit over-rated. My personal style is easy and comfy. I love to travel. Hence, airport look is all about Skechers and comfortable clothes for me.
Can we expect to see you in an Odia movie?
Nobody has offered me a role in an Odia movie. However, I have worked in many regional movies.
How do you deal with emotional challenges in such a competitive industry?
There are lots of ups and downs in an actor’s life. For example, you may not be in a good mood, but you have to enact the role of a happy person in front of the camera. Therefore, you have to switch your emotions on and off which is tough.
Are you interested in performing in any biopic?
I would like to work in the biopics of Madhubalaji, Indira Gandhi and Kalpana Chawla.
What is your criterion for choosing scripts?
I do not have any Godfather in the movie industry. I always go with my gut feeling while choosing scripts. I have always accepted failures and successes gracefully. Your struggle depicts your character and identity. Patience creates magic.
What would you like to say to your fans in Bhubaneswar?
I am quite overwhelmed by the love and respect showered by the people of Bhubaneswar and Odisha. I sincerely hope for the success of our charity work. I will be back again in Bhubaneswar for more such projects.