Bonn, a city in western Germany, straddling the Rhine River has a very strange rule. If you reach the city after the winter season, you will see many people helping frogs to cross the roads.
As the temperature increases, frogs start roaming here and there. In fact, in the begging of the summer season, the frogs leave their winter hideout and while arriving at the new destination, they die under the fast moving vehicles on the roads. In such a situation, many voluntary organizations of Germany have taken the responsibility of protecting them.
A director of an organization associated with Wildlife Conservation, says that there were many times when scores of frogs were crushed to death due to various reasons. In view of this, we took the responsibility of saving them while crossing the road. Now many organizations have been working to help frogs to cross roads.
To save frogs, a variety of methods are used. To make the frogs cross the road, tunnels are made under the roads, from where they can comfortably across the road at any time. With this, fencing has been made to protect the frogs.
The NGO and the German government together have built 800 fences across the city of Bonn, which protects frogs from moving vehicles on the streets. NGOs regularly do checks fence and leave the closed frogs in the nearby forest.
According to experts, this species of frogs eats poisonous and harmful insects, this keeps them under control. In addition, they also eat mosquitoes. For these reasons, saving frogs is considered so important. Globally, it is very important to keep the species of frogs alive. The frog eats the algae present in the water, thereby maintaining the quality of the water.
Not only in Germany, but in other cities, the emphasis is on saving frogs. Apart from being crushed under cars, frogs also died to the pollution because of cars. If the frogs pass by trains running at speeds of more than 40 kilometers per hour, they have internal bleeding and are killed. In such a situation, many roads have been named after frogs for speed control of trains.