Places where dying is illegal

Places where dying is illegal

That every living creature on earth is sure to die is a universal truth. But then again, there are some places where it is illegal to die. Shocked? Well here is a list of such places where dying has been outlawed, so to speak.

Longyearbyen (Norway)

Longyearbyen is located in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard about halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole. Here human death is prohibited. The reason being that here the subsoil is permanently frozen. As a result, the bodies buried underneath get preserved! So when someone falls sick irrecoverably, the locals take the person away to bury the body in some other part of Norway.

Cugnaux (France)

Denizens of this part of the world were literally banned from dying! In 2007, the mayor of Cugnaux tried to build a cemetery. But unfortunately the project was stopped.

Sellia (Italy)

A small town in Italy, Sellia now is home to five hundred and thirty seven people majority of whom are senior citizens.  The mayor of Sellia, came out with an order which prohibits sickness or death within his area! His intension was to raise health awareness amongst the people.

Lanjaron (Spain)

No one can die in Lanjaron due to the shortage of space problem for burial. You are effectively banned from dying until the authorities find a suitable burial place.



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