Plastic kills livelihood of bamboo artisans

Plastic kills livelihood of bamboo artisans

Hatadihi: Making household articles using bamboo was the traditional occupation of the villagers of Hatadihi block for generations. The eco-friendly bamboo goods had good demand earlier.

The people of Damasahi are skilled in making household bamboo articles like Dala, Kula, Pachhia, Nalia, Khai Chala, Jhudi, Binchana, Andhuli and Tokuli among several others. Without government support, the youngsters here are now migrating to other places for jobs. Many families are now facing uncertainties.

Bamboo artisans used to earn handsomely during marriages and festivals. Traders from distant places used to come here to buy bamboo ware at high prices. But now it has become very difficult for them to earn their livelihood.

Nowadays, plastic articles have replaced bamboo ware, polluting the environment and disturbing the ecological balance. Bamboo household articles have been almost completely replaced by plastic goods now.

Things have changed for the bamboo artisans due to this. They are now facing problems in collecting raw material. Many bamboo artisans have given up their occupation and some are still practising it with difficulty.




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