Mumbai: With the success of his two projects ‘Padmaavat’ and ‘Simmba’, actor Ranveer Singh has delivered Rs 500 crore net box office in India within a single year. The actor has said he wants to stay away from letting this get to his head, and that he is focused towards becoming the ‘best entertainer’.
On his success, Ranveer said in a statement to this news agency: “I’m uncomfortable in these scenarios, in these discussions, people discuss money and I start scratching my head. I feel I should protect myself now more than ever before from these sorts of things. I find myself receding because I don’t know where this will take me, whether it will colour my thinking because I have been a certain way.
“So far it has worked for me, and I hope to continue as the same kind of artiste and very committed to protecting that integrity that I have towards my art, craft, and I don’t want to start with making choices that I have to do with anything other than honesty, that will be the death of me.”
Ranveer however, knows the number game and what it means. But he doesn’t want to be affected by it too much. “I also want to stay away this getting into my head. I have followed a certain ethos that has brought me to this position and I don’t want to change that and don’t want to get into making choices thinking when we do that film, it seems like a Rs 300 crore prospect,” asserted Ranveer.
“It is not about the numbers for me, it is basically to entertain people, to entertain as many as I can and as much as possible. I keep that purpose of life, I’m an entertainer and I want to be the best entertainer. It’s a single point agenda for me and a personal ambition,” he added.