Puri: The Ratna Singhasan (golden throne) of Srimandir remains vacant for 28 days a year (except the Nabakalebara year).
According to Naresh Chandra Dash, researcher on Jagannath culture, “The deities are taken from the golden throne for the grand bathing ritual (Snana Purnima) on the full moon day of Jyestha month of Odia almanac to mark the birthday of the Lord Jagannath. They are bathed with 108 pitchers of aromatic water following which they catch fever and get shifted to Anasara Gruha (asylum for sick).”
Some secret rituals are performed by Daita and Patimohapatra servitors in Anasara Gruha. Phuluri oil (a kind of ayurvedic oil) is applied on deities on fifth day and Mahoushadhi (ayurvedic medicines) on the 11th day of the dark fortnight following which the deities slowly recover from fever, Dash added.
The deities flaunt their rejuvenated youth – ‘Nabajouban Darshan’ – after they fully recover from fever. The deities are then taken to Srigundicha temple (birth place of Lord Jagannath) on the second day of the bright fortnight of Ashadha month on their respective chariots. Lakhs of devotees throng the Badadanda here to have darshan of the deities on the chariots.
According to scriptures, “Dole cha dola govindam chaapecha Madhusudanam, Rathe tu Bamanam drustwa punarjanma na bidyate.”
The deities enter the Gundicha temple the day after all the chariots reach Saradhabali (the place in front of Gundicha temple). This ritual is called ‘Adapa Mandap Bije’. They spend a week at Gundicha temple and are offered ‘Sathie pauti bhog’ there during the period.
The Adapa Mandap is otherwise known as Adambar Mandap or Janmabedi. The Sandhya Darshan is held on the ninth day of bright fortnight. Crucial rituals like Senapata Laagi and Bahuta Kanta are performed on the same day as a prelude to Bahuda Yatra (return car festival) of the deities.
The chariots are pulled for Bahuda Yatra on the 10th day of Ashadha’s bright fortnight and reach Singhadwar the same day. Suna Besha (golden adornment of deities) is performed on the chariots the next day which is witnessed by lakhs of devotees.
Likewise, Adhara Panaa (a special kind of watery treat to appease the spirits) ritual is performed on the chariots on 12th day of Ashadha’s bright fortnight following which Niladribije ritual (entry of deities into Srimandir sanctum sanctorum) is performed the next day.
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