Mumbai: Even though she has appeared in several films, we still remember actress Ritu Shivpuri for Aankhen that was released over a decade ago. The ‘Lal Dupatte Wali’ song actress is celebrating her birthday today.
Ritu has appeared in several hit films at that time, but gradually her charm faded and she disappeared from films. After the film Aankhen, Ritu acted in many more films including Hum Sab Chor Hai, Aar Ya Paar, Bhai Bhai, Hadh Kar Di Aapne, Lajja, Shakti: The Power and Elaan. However, in these films, Ritu appeared in supporting role.
During an interview she said, “I started with films. Later, when I took up a TV show in 2006, I ended up shooting 18 to 20 hours a day. My husband would be asleep by the time I got back home. That’s when I realised I was neglecting my family and hence, gave up acting,”.
Life was not difficult for her, as her husband Hari was detected with a tumour in his spine, which rendered him bedridden at 36. “It was a difficult phase, but he fought it and recovered in a couple of years. He considers me his backbone and derives his strength from me,” After taking a break from films, Ritu started working as a jewelry designer.
She made her comeback on TV and appeared in an important character in Anil Kapoor’s 24. After this, she appeared in the second season of the TV show Is Pyar Ko Kya Naam Doon 3. She had a negative role in the show and this was the first time she appeared in a negative character.