New Delhi: With the Special Investigation Team of the CBI going out all guns blazing against all possible angles in the Sushant Singh Rajput case, senior advocate Vikas Singh representing the late actor’s family, slammed Rhea Chakraborty and claimed she “has never cooperated with Sushant’s family and is playing double game”.
“Rhea has not cooperated with the family, she didn’t even offer condolences to the family when the mishap took place. Moreover, when the request for CBI probe was made, they opposed it tooth and nail. She may have put out a video in support of the CBI probe but her legal team opposed the same strongly,” the senior advocate said.
He further said that if she really wanted to cooperate with the family, she could have withdrawn her petition from the Supreme Court. “Rhea is playing a double game in this matter, if she wanted to support the family, then why did she file this petition in the Supreme Court,” Singh said.
Reacting to Sandip Ssingh, who claimed to be a friend of Sushant and said that he is one of the first person to reach the late actor’s residence after hearing the news of his death, the senior advocate said that no one from Sushant’s family knew about him. Ssingh is the producer of a biopic on Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“How can Sandip come out suddenly just like that. No one from the family knew Sandip. When he was not in touch with him for a long time, how did he reach there suddenly?” questioned Vikas Singh.
Singh further said: “Two lockers from Sushant’s home were broken, now we don’t know who broke it, was it Rhea, was it the staff at his home or someone else, this is a matter of investigation and it would unfold when the CBI would proceed further in the matter.”
The CBI team probing the Sushant case, once again on Monday questioned the actor’s flatmate Siddharth Pithani and his staff Neeraj Singh and once more visited the Waterstone resort, where the Bollywood star stayed for two months.
According to CBI sources, Pithani and Singh joined the questioning earlier in the day at the DRDO guest house in Mumbai’s Santacruz area.
The CBI source added that on Sunday the agency had also questioned the actor’s personal staff Dipesh Sawant apart from Pithani and Singh about the behaviour of Sushant after his break-up with Rhea Chakraborty and whether she took financial and professional decisions for Sushant, besides whether she really was keeping the late actor away from his family.
The source said that the CBI will summon more people for questioning in the case including Rhea, her father Indrajit, brother Showik and mother Sandhya. The CBI could ask Rhea why she left Sushant’s flat on June 8 and what was the reason for her breakup with the 34-year-old actor.
However, Rhea’s legal team has clarified that the actress and her family have not received summons from the CBI.
“Dear Friends, Rhea Chakraborty & Fly (Family) have not received any summons from CBI so far to attend. No sooner she receives it, she & fly will attend as they did before Mumbai Police and ED as law abiding citizens. No speculations are necessary,” said her lawyer Satish Maneshinde in the statement.
Sushant was found dead in his Bandra flat in Mumbai June 14. Now, the CBI has taken over the case.