Khurda: Two masked miscreants looted around Rs 14 lakh from the L&T Finance office near Badapadar Mouza College Road under Banpur police limits here Tuesday night. According to sources, the miscreants threatened branch manager of the office Rakesh Patnaik and made away with a bag containing Rs 14 lakh when other staffers were away for dinner. Regional manager of the company Sunil Kumar Rana lodged a complaint with Banapur police Wednesday who registered a case (12/19) and started an investigation. Khurda SP Dipti Ranjan Ray, Balugaon SDPO Subash Panda and Banpur police station IIC Sanjay Pattnayak also reached the spot as part of the investigation.
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What are the problems affecting those countries that made up pre-1947 India? There appear to be three important ones which...
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