Subarnapur: Funds provided for ‘mandi handling’ are allegedly not being used properly while nearly Rs3 crore has been misappropriated in the name of labourers at paddy procurement centres in Sonepur district. Millers, some local leaders and officials are involved in the misappropriation of the amount, a report said.
According to the report, forge records showing engagement of labourers at the mandis are produced and funds meant for it is bungled. However, the Labour department has closed its eyes to this corrupt practice.
Subarnapur is one of the highest paddy producing districts in the state. Surplus paddy and rice are exported to other districts and outside the state. It was learnt that about 60 lakh quintals of paddy are procured in Kharif and Rabi seasons through PACSs and SHGs.
In case of custom milling procurement system, millers do not play an important role. After farmers dumped their paddy at the mandis, next responsibilities lie with buyer agencies. To strengthen this system, the Central government has been providing funds towards mandi management (handling).
Funds are provided for various labour wages like for packing paddy, weighing sacks and loading on vehicles. In reality, about 80 per cent farmers in Binika and Dunguripalli and 30 per cent farmers of Sonepur, Tarabha, Ulunda, Birmaharajpur are carrying their packed paddy on tractors and mini trucks to the mandis, sources said.
Staff of some PACSs and SHGs members make false entry of all the activities of the farmers, which should have been done by labourers, sources added. In reality, at mandis, one or two labourers are being engaged. The Central government is paying Rs 8.47 to each labourer for a quintal of paddy.
Annually, 60 lakh quintals of paddy are purchased on an average. If calculation is made on the basis of such quantities of paddy, then the Central government is paying Rs 5.08 crore. In comparison to whopping amount of wages, a large number of labourers are supposed to be engaged at mandis. But in reality, only a few labourers are being engaged in mandis.
False entries are being made in official records for a huge number of labourers. The wages are misappropriated, it was alleged. “Fund for mandi handling is a big scam,” alleged lawyer Baldev Prasad Bedbak. He also added that though the district administration, the Cooperation department and the Civil Supplies department know everything, but no action is being taken in this regard.
District labour officer Dileswar Khakha said that millers have been assigned to handle the mandis as per the decision of the district level paddy procurement committee. “It is unfortunate to misappropriate the funds meant for labourers. An investigation will be carried out in this matter and action will be taken,” he added.