New Delhi: The Supreme Court Thursday dismissed the bail petition of journalist Abhijit Iyer Mitra, who has been charged for making derogatory remarks on Konark Sun Temple and Lord Jagannath.
The bench consisting of Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi while rejecting the petition said that the petitioner doesn’t deserve protection.
“He has incited the religious sentiments of the people has been hurt,” the bench observed.
Mitra had filed a petition Thursday for the extension of interim relief which is subsequently rejected.
With the rejection of bail plea, the arrest of Abhijit Iyer Mitra is imminent.
Earlier, the top court had extended the bail of Mitra till October 5.
Mitra had filed the bail plea in the apex court September 27 citing risk to his life and as he was unable to move Odisha High Court due to the lawyers’ protest.