Daringbadi: The Special Development Council (SDC) in Kandhamal district distributed sports kits to the players of scheduled tribe at a function held in Daringbadi panchayat office in Kandhamal district, Tuesday. Block development officer (BDO) Gadadhar Patra presided over the meeting in which SDC chairman Rodan Nayak joined as chief guest and distributed sports kit for cricket, badminton, volleyball and football to the players of scheduled tribe community of 200 teams hailing from 25 panchayats under the block. Block chairman Susant Pradhan, PA, ITDA Krupasindhu Behera, SDC members Ramakant Majhi, Ranjita Pradhan, secretary of Kuikula Samiti, Sukadev Pradhan, Zilla Parishad members Ranjan Pradhan, MP’s nominee Akshaya Nayak also attended the functions as guests of honour and distributed the sports kit to the tribal players.
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